Straight Edge Contractors

Sep 21, 2020
How To Plan For An Asphalt Paving Project

An asphalt project is a big investment. A lot of planning, budgeting, and effort goes into creating a surface, whether it is to extend the road by a few miles, repaving a driveway, or paving a parking lot. One small error and the entire investment can go down the drain.

Are you looking into paving solutions in El Paso, TX? Do you need an idea about all that goes into an asphalt project? Consider Straight Edge Contractors. Just click here to get a free estimate.

Inspecting The Damage

Do a thorough evaluation of your existing asphalt surface. Find the flaws present in the asset, such as cracks, potholes, drainage issues, and faded lines. An inspection is necessary to determine what kind of damage was done to the surface, so you know what to look out for with your new surface. 

You should also regularly inspect your asphalt surface for maintenance because one hairline crack today can turn into an alligator crack or a pothole tomorrow.

Considering Repair Options

Is your asphalt surface damaged beyond repair? What did the inspection reveal? How much damage was done to the surface? Do you have to repave the entire surface, or can you get away with repairs?

The repair depends on the extent of damage done to the asphalt. It can include crack filling, pothole repair, line striping, milling, overlay, and repaving a badly damaged patch instead of the whole surface. Repair, followed by seal coating, increases your pavement’s life by a few years.

However, if the asphalt surface is badly damaged down to its foundation, there is no other option than other getting repaving done.

Choosing Asphalt Types

Different types of asphalt can be used to create the surface. You can choose the material depending on your needs. Do your own research and talk to a few contractors and parking lot owners to find out which is the best and most widely used material.

Out of the multiple options out there, including the customized ones, here are the three most popular ones.

Porous Asphalt – There are tiny holes present in the asphalt, which allow you to manage stormwater in an environmentally friendly way. The rainwater travels through the asphalt surface and into the ground. The water then undergoes natural methods of water purification.

Hot Mix Asphalt – Those asphalt mixtures that are heated and poured when the material reaches 300°F to 350°F. Hot mix asphalt is the most common form of asphalt that is used in paving around the world.

Cold Mix Asphalt – Using cold mix asphalt is a good idea to fill potholes in winter or cold regions because this asphalt mixture stays soft in low temperatures. It also repels water so it would drive out the water from the pothole and stick to the surface. Paving this material is more straightforward than the hot mix.

Budgeting The Project

Find out how much the asphalt mixture of your choice costs, how much you would need, and how soon you want to open the space for use. Evaluate all pros and cons and create a budget that best suits all your needs.

Choosing A Contractor

The best way to choose the right contractor is to find out about their reputation in the market.

Do they have a good work ethic? Do they finish work on time? Do they provide cost-friendly solutions? Does their job last? Find out all you can and cross-reference it against the quotes you have gotten to find the perfect contractor for the project—someone who provides excellent services and doesn’t overcharge.

Straight Edge Contractors provide premium paving solutions in El Paso, TXClick here to get a free estimate.