Straight Edge Contractors

Oct 7, 2020
5 Reasons Why Asphalt Is Better Than Concrete For Residential & Commercial Roads

A paving project is a big deal simply because of the massive investment that goes into it. However, achieving that return on your investment is only possible if everything is done right. This also includes choosing the right material.

Do you want to get a road paved? Are you confused about which paving material to use? Is this the first time you are investing in a paving project? Straight Edge Contractors offers professional paving and maintenance services in Midland, TXClick here to get a free estimate.

Many people think that asphalt is generally a better choice than concrete when making a road. You can make your assessments about whether asphalt is the right choice for your road by going through the five reasons explained below.


Asphalt paving is much more economical than concrete. Concrete installation takes more time and effort. On the other hand, asphalt is more malleable, so asphalt roads take less time to be paved.

Also, most of the asphalt material used in constructing a road can be reused when it’s time for repaving. This help cut down the raw material cost for future repaving projects.


Extreme cold is terrible for pavement assets—the frost and snow cause lasting damage to the roads, resulting in cracks. Concrete is more badly affected by cold than asphalt. Asphalt tends to fare better in the cold.

While snow doesn’t have much effect on the concrete, lower temperatures cause contraction and expansions in the pavement. Thus, asphalt roads are more common in colder regions.

Also, though damaging for pavement, salt is a common deicer used to melt the snow and ice that forms a layer on roads in winter. Salt damages concrete more than it harms asphalt.


Asphalt roads, unlike concrete, do not need to be paved from the ground up. Asphalt pavement is made up of three layers – sub-base, base, and surface layer. The two lower layers are mostly considered permanent. They are less likely to get damaged, which is why mostly only the top layer is resurfaced, which costs less than repaving the whole road.

While asphalt requires more maintenance, the work done on it, like seal coating, can extend its pavement life.


A road undergoes rough use. Day in and day out, it has to endure rust, gas drips, and engine oil leaks. The charcoal black or gray of asphalt is not easily stained.

Its matte dark surface covers up almost all types of stains. On the other hand, the muted gray of the concrete has high susceptibility to stains, which takes a toll on its appearance, requiring more aggressive cleaning and degreasing.


Asphalt roads offer greater safety to drivers than concrete roads. Asphalt provides better traction between the surface and the car tires. Thus, it has better skid resistance in winters when the ground is covered by snow and frost.

Therefore, the chances of drivers getting into an accident are generally lesser on asphalt road as compared to concrete roads. On concrete roads, traction has to be created by making a pattern when the concrete is still workable. At the same time, asphalt generally allows tires a better grip and drive.

While both paving materials have their benefits, asphalt is generally more preferable for paving around the world in both residential and commercial projects due to its durability, cost-effectiveness, and overall functionality.

If you want to get an asphalt surface paved or need a reliable firm to carry out regular maintenance work in Midland, TX, and other cities in Texas and Arizona, contact Straight Edge Contractors or click here to get a free estimate.