Straight Edge Contractors

Jun 2, 2021
How To Find The Right Contractor For Large Paving Projects

There is no denying that a slick-looking asphalt or concrete pavement leaves an unforgettable impression on your customers. The challenge, however, is choosing the right asphalt contractor who can take on large paving projects, get the job done beautifully, and, of course, complete the project on time!

Sounds like it’s asking for a lot, isn’t it? Not necessarily!

At Straight Edge Contractors LLC, we take pride in ensuring commercial property owners in El Paso, TX, receive top-notch asphalt paving and concrete paving services at economical rates! We never hesitate to undertake large paving projects. This is because we have onboard an expansive team of meticulous paving specialists who have vowed to deliver excellence each time!

For more information on our broad range of paving services, head on over to Straight Edge Contractors LLC to get your free paving estimate today!

So to end your formidable pursuit of finding an agreeable paving professional who can wrap up your large paving project with utmost finesse, consider these factors mentioned below!

1. Number of Years Working in the Commercial Sector

A paving contractor who is agreeing to take on your large paving project without clearly stating their years of experience serving the commercial paving industry is a big fat red flag waving at you, telling you to abort the mission!

Why? Because no experienced and accomplished paving company ever hesitates to mention the numbers of years they have been actively and successfully executing sizeable commercial paving projects – unless they have something to hide.

In fact, if anything, a well-reputed paving company is always more than happy to share with you the details of the projects and clients they have served in the local area.

Tip: Don’t feel guilty about asking your paving contractor about the nitty-gritty details of their prior work. Ask them for how long they have been active tending to large commercial paving projects, who have been their clients, and how they have served them (i.e., which paving service did they provide).

2. Local Presence – Are They Well-Known Enough?

This brings us to our next point; are they well-known enough in your local area?

The primary reason why asking this is so crucial is simple. Many paving contractors may fool you into believing they are experienced, trusted, and economical. However, in reality, the safest bet is to go with word-of-mouth.

Ask people in your local area if they know of reputable paving contractors who fit the bill when it comes to undertaking large paving projects. Ask them who those contractors are, how was there experience with them, which service did they provide best, etc.

And if all else fails, well, you always have Google searches to give you a helping hand with your search!

Google tactically mentions the most top-ranked paving contractors within your radius. This is your chance to carefully read through the google reviews, take down notes, make phone calls, and perform all background checks necessary before settling with a paving contractor.

3. Licensed & Insured

To avoid paying an arm and a leg in the unfortunate event of someone getting injured while working on your commercial property, make sure to choose a licensed and insured paving company.

In fact, don’t even bother wasting time with companies that aren’t licensed. You absolutely need to work with licensed and insured paving contractors to avoid any settlement disputes that can cost you a fortune and pave your way to bankruptcy.

To conclude, it may seem stressful landing a reliable paving company that will take on the heavy-duty load of performing large commercial projects – but it isn’t impossible!

At Straight Edge Contractors LLC, we are your most trusted source of completing both large-scale commercial and residential paving projects in El Paso, TX. To avail of our services, click here and get a free estimate today!